powering service obligations
Dorsey has a long history of working with:
- Electric utilities
- Independent power producers
- Power marketers
- Financial institutions
- Investors
Our interdisciplinary teams collaborate efficiently, seamlessly and creatively. We become an extension of your team. We believe understanding our clients’ business needs provides the power you need to stay ahead.
Focus Areas:
Dorsey’s energy team has experience in the following areas of hydroelectric power:
- Hydroelectric licensing, re-licensing and pre-licensing matters
- Hydroelectric license amendments
- Contested hydroelectric licensing proceedings
- Compliance with hydroelectric license conditions
- Regulatory due diligence for hydroelectric acquisitions
- Preliminary permits
- License transfers and surrenders
Environmental Agencies
Dorsey’s energy team has experience in regulations by the USEPA and other federal [and state] environmental agencies impacting energy development, production, transportation and transmission:
- Clean Air Act regulation of the power sector, including the Clean Power Plan
- Clean Air Act regulation of mobile sources and fuels
- Renewable Fuel Standard and RIN transactions
- Regulation of conventional and unconventional oil and gas development
- Hazardous materials transportation, including crude-by-rail
- Clean Water Act permitting (wetlands) and spill liability
- Oil Pollution Act liability
- Land use and protected species regulations impacting energy development and transportation
Dorsey’s SEC compliance team has experience in the following areas:
- 1934 Act periodic reports (Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K)
- Proxy statements and shareholder proposals for shareholder meetings
- Compliance with SEC, NYSE and NASDAQ corporate governance rules
- Corporate governance principles, board committee charters and codes of conduct
- Compliance with Reg FD, Reg G and Section 16
- Insider trading policies
- Clawback, equity grant, hedging and pledging policies
- Related party transaction policies
- Equity plans and related award agreements, dividend reinvestment plans and employee stock purchase plans and related SEC filings
- Charter and bylaw provisions
- Anti-takeover matters
- Enhancement strategies for governance rankings
- CEO pay ratio disclosure preparation
Dorsey represents power industry clients before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and state public utility commissions. Among other matters, in relevant part, Dorsey has negotiated and successfully litigated pole attachment agreements for electric utilities to maximize revenues from cable and telecom companies using poles to carry their fiber and coaxial cable. Dorsey has also performed comprehensive management of utilities’ radio licenses, including applications, transfers, amendments, renewals, and short-spacing agreements, and represented clients in FCC enforcement negotiations and proceedings.
Dorsey lawyers offer experienced and cost-effective representation for electric utilities and cooperatives, generators, hydro-electric projects, marketers, end-users, and merchant transmission developers in the federal regulation of the electric industry, principally at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and Department of Energy (DOE).
Compliance and Enforcement. FERC and the CFTC each have the authority to assess multi-million dollar civil penalties. Our lawyers defend clients in enforcement investigations involving matters ranging from market manipulation to tariff violations, helping to close the investigations altogether or negotiate a settlement. However, to reduce the chances of an enforcement investigation, Dorsey helps electric utilities, generators, and energy marketers comply with FERC and CFTC rules and regulations. For example, Dorsey attorneys:
- Tailor innovative compliance programs that help establish a “culture of compliance”
- Conduct training programs for energy company personnel
- Perform compliance audits
Electric Transmission. We help investor-owned electric utilities comply with the federal regulation of services utilizing their transmission facilities (whether operated by themselves or an RTO) and also assist electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, and others interested in electric transmission service. Dorsey’s regulatory lawyers:
- Prepare and prosecute FPA Section 205 rate cases at FERC
- Request federal rate incentives for new transmission projects
- Draft, revise, and comply with FERC directives involving open access transmission tariffs (OATTs)
- Assist transmission providers and generators negotiate and resolve disputes involving generator interconnection agreements (GIAs)
- Help merchant transmission projects obtain authorization to charge negotiated transmission rates, navigate the transmission interconnection process, and conduct an open seasons to award transmission capacity
- Craft applications for FPA section 203 authorization involving the merger of electric utilities or acquisition of transmission facilities
Generation. Dorsey’s regulatory lawyers work hand-in-glove with corporate, environmental and property lawyers to assist the developers, owners, and operators of electric generation projects -- whether the fuel source is wind, solar, natural gas, water, or other – with all stages with regulatory issues with project development and operation, including:
- Interconnection and other services from the Transmission Provider
- Market-based rate (MBR) and tariff authorization
- Exempt Wholesale Generator (EWG) and Qualifying Facility (QF) status
- Fuel supplies and transportation by natural gas pipelines
- FPA section 203 authorization for the acquisition of electric generation and associated interconnection facilities
Power Marketing. We also help power marketers at FERC, DOE, and appellate courts in proceedings and RTO stakeholder processes involving organized electric markets (with special emphasis on MISO and PJM), that is, the rules under which energy companies buy, sell, schedule and deliver electricity within a particular region.
- MBR authorization and market power issues
- Transactions involving organized markets for energy, ancillary service, and generation capacity
- Service issues involving the Transmission Provider or RTO
- Capacity agreements and power purchase agreements (PPAs)
- FERC compliance filings (e.g., interlocking directorates and EQRs)
- Domestic and foreign authorization and compliance for cross-border transactions
- Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Markets and Project Development & Finance (under construction)
- Bankruptcy
- Workouts
- Foreclosures
- Receiverships
Dorsey’s energy team includes former DOJ attorneys familiar with:
- Litigation on key environmental rules
- New source review and other enforcement
- Settlement negotiations and consent decrees
Dorsey’s energy team has represented and counseled energy-related clients on:
- Audit policies and self-disclosure
- Defense and settlement of administrative actions
- Defense and settlement of enforcement actions
- Challenges before the Environmental Appeals Board
- Participation and commenting on rulemaking
Dorsey represents power industry clients before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and state public utility commissions. Among other matters, in relevant part, Dorsey has negotiated and successfully litigated pole attachment agreements for electric utilities to maximize revenues from cable and telecom companies using poles to carry their fiber and coaxial cable. Dorsey has also performed comprehensive management of utilities’ radio licenses, including applications, transfers, amendments, renewals, and short-spacing agreements, and represented clients in FCC enforcement negotiations and proceedings.
SEC, FERC and CFTC (under construction)
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Litigation
- Federal and State Appellate
- Federal and State Preemption Issues
- Environmental (State and Federal)
- Utility/Customer Bankruptcy
- Certificates of Need
- Infrastructure Permitting
- Rate Cases
- Prudence Reviews
- Integrated Resource Planning
- Environmental
Representative FERC Power Matters:
- Represented electric utility in federal regulatory matters related to its development of a 220-mile, cross-border transmission project running from Canada into the United States.
- Represent and regularly advise electric utility and power marketing clients on matters relating to FERC enforcement, market manipulation, collusion, and compliance (including client training seminars).
- Represent and regularly advise generation developers, power marketers, financial institutions, and utility customers on strategic-level generator planning, interconnection, energy storage, and participation in all energy markets and regional transmission organizations around the United States (New England, MidAtlantic, Southeast, MidContinent, Southwest, West, and Northwest).
- Represent and regularly advise generation developers, power marketers, financial institutions, and utility customers concerning financing, acquisitions, and sales of generation and energy storage assets.
- Represent and regularly advise electric utility clients on federal and state holding company and affiliated interest matters related to unregulated power marketing affiliates.
- Represent and regularly advise multiple utility clients in federal and state PURPA enforcement cases, federal and state “avoided cost” proceedings, PURPA contract negotiation, and “legally enforceable obligation” proceedings.
- Represent multiple electric utility clients in both “stated” rate and formula rate transmission and full requirements contract rate cases (including requests for Order No. 679 rate “incentives”).
Representative Hydroelectric Power Matters:
- Represented municipal government in contested hydroelectric license application proceeding.
- Performed due diligence review on potential acquisition of hydroelectric facilities and advised on related regulatory issues.
- Successfully represented hydroelectric licensee in Second Circuit appeal of FERC order granting hydroelectric license.
- Successfully represented major utility in D.C. Circuit appeal of FERC order granting surrender of hydroelectric license.
- Represented irrigation district with respect to proposed study plans in support of its intent to re-license hydroelectric project.
M&A, Capital Markets, and Project Development & Finance
Mergers & Acquisitions
- Represented investor owned utility in the negotiation of build-transfer purchase agreements for the acquisition of 150 MW wind farm in North Dakota and 200 MW wind farm in Minnesota.
- Represented an investor owned utility in connection with the exercise of ROFO rights and the negotiation of a purchase agreement for an 80 MW wind farm located in South Dakota.
- Represented municipal power agency in the purchase of a gas-fired power plant in Minnesota.
- Represented investor-owned utility in the sale of transmission assets in Texas.
- Represented electric generation and transmission cooperative in the purchase of 100% of the equity interests in a cogeneration partnership.
Capital Markets
- Represented regional investor-owned utility on multiple public and private debt and equity offerings.
- Represented utility on formation of public utility holding company structure.
- Represented a generation and transmission cooperative in a $1.59 billion debt refinancing and increased its credit facility through a series of complex. transactions. The refinancing, among the largest ever pursued by a wholesale generation and transmission cooperative, included a $500 million Rule 144A bond offering.
- Represented leading energy company on multiple public preferred stock offerings.
- Counsel to municipal power agency in connection with its bond issues.
Project Development & Finance
- Represented investor owned utility in the joint development of a coal plant located in South Dakota.
- Represented investor owned utility in the joint development of a transmission project in Minnesota.
- Represented municipal power agency in the development of two gas-fired facilities in Minnesota.
- Represented municipal power agency in connection with the negotiation of multiple power purchase agreements, including for wind power, solar power and landfill gas generated power.
- Represented independent power producer in development of gas-fired combined cycle facility in Minnesota.
Bankruptcy and Restructuring
- Represented troubled utilities in financial restructuring, including handling the sale of generation and transmission assets and customer contracts out of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case.
- Represented electric cooperative in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case.
- Represented financial institution in connection with foreclosures against several wind turbines in California.
- Represented the receiver in a Minnesota Receivership Act proceeding involving the sale of a biomass power plant in Minnesota to its lenders.
- Represented leading provider for onshore receiving and processing facilities in the prosecution of its $240 Million mechanic’s lien claim in Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, which claim arose out of the construction of a 700 megawatt supercritical coal-fired power plant.
Commercial Litigation
- Defended energy technology company against antitrust and RICO claims allegedly arising from instability in California energy market; obtained dismissal of all claims, affirmed on appeal.
- Defended major regional energy company against class claims brought on behalf of all commercial businesses in Minnesota that conducted business with the company alleging fraud in connection with an electric light replacement and rebate program; obtained denial of class certification prior to trial and dismissal of all claims on summary judgment.
- Defended energy company in consolidated nationwide class action involving claims of violation of federal securities laws; case settled favorably.
- Defended national energy, information and technology corporation in securities class action, alleging false statements in connection with forward energy trades; obtained dismissal of all claims.
- Represented municipal power agency in connection with a breach of power sales contract claim in Minnesota district court.
- Represented county in Wyoming on litigation concerning state taxing authority over out-of-state electric utility assets.
- Represented client in a litigation matter concerning coatings applied to electric power plant.
Construction Litigation
- Represented construction and engineering company in arbitration and related litigation arising out of the construction of a $1.9B coal-fired power plant in West Virginia.
- Represented EPC contractor in arbitration against project owner and engineer regarding an approximately 700-megawatt (net) supercritical coal-fired electric generation plant.
- Represented energy utility in construction claims arising from the demolition of a coal-fired power plant, including claims for breach of contract, change of scope, cardinal change, and alleged failure to properly survey asbestos containing material in the plant for abatement and disposal.
- Represented the energy plant owners in a substantial case involving a power plant rewind, which was settled after mediation.
- Successfully represented an equipment supplier in a multi-million dollar arbitration involving construction of two power plants in northern California.
Environmental (State and Federal)
- Lead trial counsel for defendant in action under federal and state law for alleged PAH (polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon) contamination of industrial site; jury verdict and judgment for defendant following two-week trial.
State Regulatory (Upper Midwest)
Legislative and regulatory counsel on the full range of state utility regulatory matters, including:
Certificates of Need
- Certificate of Need for gas-fired power plants.
- Certificate of Need for transmission system project.
- Certificates of Need for power uprate projects.
- Certificates of Need for on-site storage of spent fuel.
Rate Cases and Regulatory Recovery
- Legislative counsel that enabled the formation of statewide transmission upgrade plan, streamlined regulatory treatment and out of rate case/cost recovery benefits.
- Counsel on multiple gas and electric rate cases (Minnesota and Iowa).
- Legislative and regulatory counsel on a variety of state rate recovery/prudence review matters.
Industries & Practices
Bankruptcy & Financial Restructuring
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Explore This Practice View client achievements related to this practice View resources related to this practiceProject Development & Finance
Explore This Practice View client achievements related to this practice View resources related to this practice- Bankruptcy & Financial Restructuring
- Capital Markets
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- Corporate Governance & Compliance
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- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Development & Finance
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