- Uncova: Apple v. Samsung legal battle goes back to its roots
- Android Headlines: Apple V. Samsung Case Returned To Original District Court
- ZDNet: Apple gegen Samsung: Gerichtsverfahren geht weiter
- Phone Arena: Apple vs Samsung lawsuit has come full circle
- IDevice: Procesul dintre Apple si Samsung ar putea fi rejudecat
- 9 to 5 Mac: Apple v. Samsung patent case sent back to lower courts to determine if damages retrial is necessary
- iPhone Firmware: Apple v. Samsung patent case sent back to lower courts to determine if damages retrial is necessary
- Apple Insider: Apple v. Samsung remanded back to court where legal battle began
- UK CNET: Apple v. Samsung legal battle goes back to its roots
- Actualidad iPhone: El juicio entre Apple y Samsung por infracción de patentes vuelve a su fase cero

Dorsey Partner Case Collard Comments on Apple v. Samsung Return to District Court
February 8, 2017