Call-In Number: Those who cannot attend in person may call toll free: 800-536-9136 - The 7-Digit Access Code is 415-9341
Project Management Approach To Litigation (CLE)
This discussion group, led by Dorsey New York Trial Partner Steve Schoenfeld, will bring together in-house counsel on a monthly basis to discuss issues relating to managing litigation and to network. At each meeting there will be a brief presentation on a specific topic of interest followed by open discussion of any topic. CLE credit may be provided at some meetings. All in-house counsel are welcome, whether or not they manage or oversee litigation as part of their responsibilities.
Breakfast will be served.
To register for this event, please click here.
*This group will meet the third Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be on November 15, 2011. Save the date!

Dorsey Partners Present: Managing Litigation for In-House Counsel - Monthly Breakfast Discussion Group
October 18, 2011
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
51 West 52nd Street
9th Floor
51 West 52nd Street
9th Floor
New York, NY 10019-6119